Hello to all my wonderful Patrons! Today, my new EP is in the first stages of being mixed – I need your help please to think of a title!
The tracks on the EP are ‘Holiburn’s Lament’, ‘Minnie’s Walk’ and ‘Mizzling Marsh’. They are all very much inspired by being outdoors – Holiburn and his story take place on the moors, Minnie and her amazing owner, Edna, enjoy walks along the beach, and the final track is inspired by the marsh at Marazion.
Any ideas would be great! This EP has happened because of your constant support and encouragement, and I am so immensely grateful to you! All my Patrons will have a credit on the artwork of the EP. It will be downloadable, and you will all receive the tracks via patreon as you did with my ‘Winter Keys’ EP. I’m hoping the next stage will be a full album!
Please let me know your thoughts – don’t be shy! Thank you all so much xxx