Hi everyone, I wanted to share this with you, as it is a new show from my friend from music college, Fiona. She very kindly interviewed me about my composing, and also about how wonderful it is to have you all supporting me on Patreon!
Fiona and I shared a house together, and we also shared our graduation day too. She is an extremely talented flautist, and now she is an author of three adventure novels which feature strong female characters. She actually named a character after me in her last book – who turned out to be a real baddy!
I hope you enjoy watching it, Fiona also features my ‘November Skies’ video, and she found some photos of us from our time together, back in the day! You can also listen to Fiona reading some extracts from her novels, and sharing what inspires her as a writer. Make yourselves a cuppa, and enjoy the show! X