Hi everyone, thank you all so much for helping me reach my goal of $200, so that I am able to record my music and produce my next album. I’ve been thinking about what my next goal should be, if I am able to get some new Patrons to support me. With all the recent recording work I’ve been doing, I’ve realised that it would be really useful to have a viola, so that I can add more depth to my string harmonies.
At the moment, I have strung up my Grandfather’s violin to replicate the sound of a viola, however, a viola is bigger in size to a violin and so using a violin in this way, I am missing out on having a deep, full bodied sound that the viola would create. It would be a new challenge for me too, as playing the viola requires a slightly different technique in order to play it, and the music is written in a different clef! So lots of new challenges and opportunities ahead to enhance my work as a composer!
I’m tweaking the mix for my track ‘For Edna’, as it’s almost perfect, but not quite! My Peaky Blinders track is hopefully going to be mixed in America by a producer who is a fan of the programme! I’m waiting to hear back from him. Everything takes such a long time! Next up I will be working on a video that I will dedicate to Trevor! Thanks so much to all of you for being such an amazing team of supporters xxx